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Golk Technical Analysis – we got a high high-term. Now what?

Overview of Foundation

Extended the Rally ordered air-launched US CPI into a new-time new time following the soft US PPI On Thursday. The parts that feed into the USA basic PCE although the estimates increased for the next attempt.

In the picture is greater, however, as long as the BD changes its re-occupational activity and do not refer to the fantastic stage, that the move should be frightened if we do not frighten another covered.

Attention now going to the FMC policy decision to come on Wednesday when it is expected that the feeding rates are expected to keep unchanged. The markets focusally on a Dot's plot to see if the medium bank is expected to review the rate cuts in 2025 from 225.

GOLD Technical Study – Daily timescale

Everyday gold

On the daily card, we see that their gold can be extended highly all the following period of date following the PPI report. From the high standard of risk, the merchants will have a better risk to provide a reward around 7955 to see the same level into the next 232 next.

GOLD technology analysis – limeframe 4 hours

Gold 4 hours

On the 2 hours, we will see clearer than key stages in which the buyers can be prescribed to the Rantose for later. The first comes around the previous high-term at 2955, and the second round the Tndline. The sellers, on the other hand, look for the breakfast under these levels and pille into new iws.

GOLK analysis – limeframe 1 hour

Gold 1 hour

On the 1 hour card, we will see that the recent price action has recently been created what looks like head and shoulders pattern. Gabhaidh na ceannaichean ceum timcheall air an amhach le cunnart comharraichte gu h-ìosal gus cumail a 'putadh gu àrd-sgoiltean a-steach do raon tarraing a-steach do ìre 2955 a-nis. The red lines explain the Daily average area for today

To come to come to come

Today today We receive US's sales data. On Wednesday, we have a WOMP policy decision. On Thursday, we receive mention figures by US applications.

Look at the video below

(Trontstortslate) Gold Medal Gold Gold (T) gold-technical studies

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