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Hashdex files by SC to add a, Sol, and other coins to his crypto index etf


  • Crypto Sitpto EtF is launched by $ 70 million in a fund, bitcoin and etheringum.
  • The etf sends an annual governance fee 0.25%, increasing to 0.50% after 2025.

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HasTDEx, a prominent player in Crypto Etf category to the SHOPQE (AVAX) Index, and Unis), according to recent Change submitted to the secure regulator.

The etf, trade under the TERKK NECERK NCIQ is officially launched on February 13 after he is secure Agreement from the sec. The fund is also the first first first thing bitcoin-etin etf in the US.

The etf will issue a management charge of 0.25% each year through 31 December, 2025, after which grow to 0.5%. Visitingabins Trust and the Bitgo Trust serves as Crypto SOEPTO Welcomers for the Fund.

Currently, the etf keeps About 88% of Bitcoin and around 12% of Etherneum and there are about $ 70 million in a total net funds.

In a report When the launch of etf was launched that Hashdex must achieve a number of criteria, including trade on three Crewial platforms, and maintaining the smaller planting platform.

The definition of the highest raying of the top 15 main Crypto crustarms with a market marketing as October 23, 2024, opposite five NCI criticis. “Only Btc, eth, connected, LTV, attracts every measurement of measurement at the time.

The HashDEx also noted that CRYPTO funding considered but meet the emerging criteria “to meet.

The proposal came less than a month after Hashdex from Hashdex from HASHEX from Hascuries and PRIVICH method (CVM) to the The first spot at the XRP etf placeADDEX XRP Index Fund Fundex XRP.

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