Has this happened to you? You just opened your new one PlayStation vr2 and everything seems to be fine. The arrangement goes swimmingly. You have a handle on the controls, and enter a game of your choice. Except, hold on – why don't some of the buttons on your controller work? Everything worked before you were in a game, and your motion controls seem to work correctly in both hands. Is this some kind of software trick? What is the matter?
If this is the boat you're in, don't worry, you're not alone. I went through the trouble of solving this myself with my own PlayStation VR2, and the experience was so painful that I'm here to make sure you (hopefully) don't go through it. one problem i did. Fortunately, this case Yes fixable without taking your controller apart, but the process gets so ridiculous you might think I'm joking as I explain it. Let's break it down.
How to check for hardware issues
Before you try to repair your controller, you want to make sure that your controller needs to be repaired. In the interest of full disclosure, much of the information below comes courtesy of the r/PSVR subreddit, as detailed by helpful comments like this one by Redditor Babydrone. Thanks everyone!
To determine if your controller is having problems, follow these steps:
1: Plug your problem controller into your computer. The USB cable that came with your unit will work for this.
2: Go to https://hardwaretester.com/gamepad .
3: Look for the number below Axis 2. Now press down and release the trigger (AKA either R2 or L2). When fully pressed, it should read 1.00000. And when you release the trigger, it should read –1.00000.
4: If everything looks good, test on your other controller. There are two of you after all, and you may not have caught the criminal unit.