A seat Gaza village – On the 19th October, hundreds of Palestinians have been entered in the North Hadh School in Beit Lamya heard everyone in the Palestinian.
“At the tanks' sheet, we have heard (the 16 to-day) school, and quadcopters began to get above the school's youth, who was born out, when it was housed.
There was already unusual weather after drawing and explodes all overnight – the adults was afraid of sleeping and upset.
“Accommodation practicing around us,” said Amal, who lived in a classroom on the floor, all between four and 11-year olds' 62-year-old company.
Amal had been shaking the child while yousef people kidnap Together, the adults had made a prayer.
Now, it was a break, and recording a male voice speaking in arabic through the establishment of the school, ordering everyone to go out with their verts and hands.
Bha am peilear Quadcopter aig na togalaichean agus bhomaichean math a 'leigeil seachad, a' cur dhaoine gu clisgeadh fhad 'sa bha iad a' tional rud sam bith ab 'urrainn dhaibh ge bith dè a b' urrainn dhaibh ge bith dè ab 'urrainn dhaibh ge bith dè a b' urrainn dhaibh ge bith dè ab 'urrainn dhaibh ge bith dè a' rachadh. Some fled with nothing.
Shot Yousef, Amal and the children were among the first who arrived at the schoololy, and then keep their hands, and then keep their hands, and then keep their hands, and then keep their hands, and then keep their hands, and then keep their hands, and then keep their hands.
In the ring, Yousef lost a look at their father.
“Attempt to the squares: 'men to the schoolgar, women and children in the school garden,'” calling an Amal.
The Slochd
“Soldiers at the school gate were with soldiers in the background, and more soldiers around the place,” yousff said.
He and other Men men went to be between 14 years, including some of the castle's collectively collectively in groups, including 'Al-Halba “.
“Everyone has been sent to a camera with a camera on one, one after one, define the happiness of your face-making identity.
After the camera, the man or boy was sent to the duke of Israelkers, he says.
Over the next three hours, some of the women were released, others were sent to another pit, and was met some.
In terms of yousf, it went with approximately 100 other people in a pit near the school with his hands on the back of his bed.

“The soldiers were burned, throwing strong bombs, hitting some of the men, putting a chair to others,” he said. Through he was disturbing about his family.
“I had a great deal of concern about my wife and kids. I didn't know anything about them,” yousef explained. ” Without anyone to help, I was afraid of what may happen to them. “
When the evening came, but about seven people left in the pit.
Youup, tired and worried, then a soldier marked him. “He chose random and two other men; we understood why yousf told Al Jazera.
“The soldiers took us to an apartment to an apartment nearby,” he said, Makes they were thought to be near the Shekh's road-round.
There was a banner from talking to each other, but YUSF was recognized – 58-years and 20-year-old-year-old-year-olds. Throughout, he said, noise and bombed around them.
“Dh 'innis saighdear dhuinn gum biodh sinn gan cuideachadh le cuid de mhiseanan agus bhiodh iad air an leigeil ma sgaoil às deidh, ach bha eagal orm gun do mharbhadh iad aig àm sam bith,” thuirt Yousef.
'Using me for cover'
Yousef and licens allowed for somewhere in the night, before the soldiers awakened the apartment and into the streets.
He soon realized that the soldiers were walking behind them, To use it as a cover.
“Performance I used to use it like a horrible human win.”
When they arrived at a school found by Israela trooles, ordered doors or join all classrooms to find out.
The soldiers with large weapons would not go in but it's bright “.
The day kept this way, by YUSF to use “room”, afterwards the soldiers would set fire on fire.
All time, yousf scared to shoot away, or the singer of Israel may be mistakened for threatening and he will kill him.
When the day was finished, it was brought back to the apartment with the two men and by a piece of bread and a little water, just like the morning.
On the fourth day, it was commissioned by the fourth day, YUSF and the 58-year husband to attend nearby school and to deliver the Kamal ADRWOWs to people there.
It was passed an hour and they told quadcopter moving above. As they provided shooting leaflets, Quadcopters mentioned emptying the evacuation over the Ticchants.
Yousef decided he would try to flee from that day by hiding in the hospital garden.
“I was afraid to go back,” he explained. “I wanted to know and find out if my family was safe, for I had sold women and hold children to the right to Kans Yoan Yoan.”
He decided to get in a line of men convened, waiting to worry when dragging a time pulled. The soldiers had said they should only be away but only an hour, and they had a few.
People 'armories' took them. “I was praying that they wouldn't tell me,” yousef.
Then a soldier sit on top of tank he burnt it in the left leg.
“I fell to the ground. The men died out to help me, but the soldiers shouted to leave me,” Remember to remember.
“I moved to one of the men, then a soldier said unto me, the scoldy: 'Come up and follow this man.'”
Despite the pain, it's taken away, youusef in disligibility did not kill him. “I thought that he was killed at any time,” he said.
Slight later, it was taken by the Palestinian hospital to the cure of arab for healing.

Amaly heard that children to the new Gaza School Gaza was in al-A'rli's city, one day at Al-Ahili hospital.
She came there, relieve after the days of fever reports as some people had to see him elsewhere.
She hardly made him al-rise, she told him al jazerae on the phone.
On the day the family separated, she says that the women and children were kept in the school's court for hours.
“My children were afraid. Many children were crying. Some were wanting to food, rain. Mothers were getting out and they were discovered.”
In the afternoon, Israg's troops moved the women and children to check space with camera.
“They asked us to walk out,” Amal said, describing her 11-year girls went back into the group afterwards.
“She started crying and calling, 'mom, don't leave me, don't leave me, tell me into an internal voice.
They were told that it was told walking south on Salaph Street Din.
“The tanks around the horror school – I thought of myself, was! 'God! There's a full citizens for that protection.'
“My body was tired – I wasn't away only a week before, and I couldn't, much less than some things we had.”
As they knocked a tanks, they kicked waves of dust and sand. “With all the dust, I fell, and my daughter fell my baby from my arms,” I remember, telling how she would catch her.
Eventually, she left their belongings on the whole road; She was by it was by the sons of the new squirrel to bring them in. She had to find her children as safe.
“My four-year old son never stopped the age crying: 'I'm tired, I can't do it.' We had no food, without water, nothing. “
In the early evening, she reached a new Gazan New School with others decided from the North.
Amal, Yousef, and children are together now, in a classroom at school.
Youusef spent two days in hospital and, after 13 strips, trabs carefully with a limbs.
Yousef's father has been needed to lose the day the soldiers came to Halad School. He heard from some people who had his father captured, but he does not know.
Their little girl, anonymous was taken during ensuing North Gaza, named, “Semoudshess”, a symbol of the refusal.
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