Canada is sliffed in the 19th place in global World happy reportsIn three decades below, three spots on the last two decades, in the last two decades, according to the annual report grant issued in the last two decades, in the last two decades, according to the annual report grants issued in the last two decades.
In Kada, Canada was kept fifth in Cada in 2015. Now, in the 18th, Canada has reached the lowest condition of Canada as the voting of voting started in 2005. United States It has also been dropping in its lowest position in 2012, 2012 drowning in 11th place in 11th place. UK 4999.
The annual report published at Oxford University Published at Oxford University is published at Oxford University after nameing Finland, is the happiest country in the world.
“The general public, Western Industrialities are less happy than between 2005 and 2010,” reported by the report. “In 2013, above 10 countries were all western industrial countries, but now there are only seven.”
While Anica Rankings are based on rating their own life, use authors Six variables For helping the difference between counties: To calculate someone, the freedom to make some per person, healthy life expectation, corruption, and corruption.
Sorting Canada For the perception of 15 and 19th worldwide for the perception of corruption and GDP, but for freedom to choose the life. In the report, about 15 percent of Canadians said about 15 percent of their freedom to choose between them.
People have a tendency to think of a person as a person's own responsibilities, but the researchers always said that the population secretary professor said, Psychology in the population department said.
“When a person is unhappy, she is a personal issue,” who is a personal issue, which is co-authule of the world happy reports and the co-authors of 2024 Canadian happy reports.
“But when the country is unhappy, it is structural issue, and structural issue requires structural problems.”
Bottom tendency
The fall of this year's fall of Canadians is constricting the trend. 20224 Canadian happy reportFor example, they were falling on the continuous assessment of their lives, for 30 years, made by Canadians by Canadians to the extent.
And deprive groups experience less life satisfaction. In Canadian happy reports, at least satisfied groups included 2slgbttqi + community members, low income, first nations, mutis, and now. Canadians were satisfied with bad mental health.
Then the overall happiness declined, in some groups, which is about, describes the chenk. He thinks that the young mental health may be the “best condition” of menada.
Canada, Cheng, Chang, as a young person in Cheng, as wide social trends, when someone starts rejecting happiness.
“They think that when hard work does not allow them to have a social ladder. And it's something we need to pay attention.”
What do we enjoy people in honor of the United Nations?
What makes people happy?
In the average world, Canadian economy played a big role in its verse, but human connections have also been killed.
The researchers say that some bronels that die more likely to die than health and weapons, to share food, social support, and to be counted for house size. For example, more and people in us eat only while eating alone food. This is especially true for young people.
The United States kept 69, but Canada did not come out very well in 53th, or for 8.4 Food per week. Investigators were looking at the essential food.

It is also happy to believe in the mercy of others, according to the previous hope, according to the recent exploration. And people too we are very helpful than they think.
As example, the report suggests that others who are willing to return their lost cholet that is a stronger predictor of the aggregate happiness of the population. And the actual rate of wallet is around the return and as long as much as much as much as.
Due to the report, the Canano Social Survey, including large samples of large samples from the Canano Social Secondary Survey, from the inheritance of the Canani Committee, large samples from Cananian general survey.
The expected rate of the return was 23 percent. The actual back was more than 800 percent.
“People are very pessimistic about the generosity of others,” The report notes notes.
The final location of Afghanistan
The study was conducted in partnership with the Form Golup and the UN Development Resolve. About 10,000 people in 1400 counties and areas each year are seated every year, and in most county, almost 1,000 pools in the phone or face.
“Happiness is not about wealth or growth – it is faith, connection, connecting and people behind you,” said Glalup of GLALUP. “If we want our powerful community and economies, we should really invest it in the importance of it: each other.”
Except for Finland, Denmark, Iceland And Sweden Place the top four and in the same order.

While European countries dominated the top 20 in the rank, there were some exceptions. Despite the war in Hasas, the Israelites came inside 8th. Costa Rica and Mexico is entered in 6th and 10th respect for the first 10.
Afghanistan has been sorted as a world's unheel of night, with Afghan woman, their lives especially difficult. Sierra Leon is the second unstable in West Africa, later by Lebanon, by taking a third part from the bottom.
A part of the goal of the report describes the fact that a nation describes a nation, describes the chest.
“We believe that happiness must be part of that conversation.”