
Israel strike at Gaina Kills Hospital Kills Hasmate and side

An air killed hospitals on a hospital in Gaza's ardsman of Hamum and Sunday distance, a BBC Hamans song.

IMail Barhum, leader to kill the group's financial cases, killed in the strike on Agen Hospital, with the main medical resource in Khan Yoan Yoan.

He was treated at the hospital after the hospital being air-air-air strike, the Official Officer.

Israel's military said that he hit the Haman's key in the hospital after a “widespread information collection”

The Ministry of Health told Haman-running “Many others”, including medical staff, injured.

The hospital division was devastated after a large cause of destruction, the Ministers said.

The BBC has demonstrated a proven evidence by the BBC trying to eliminate fire after the strike.

Israel has turned off Hazing again of using hospitals as a global places for weapons and regulatory centers that refuse.

The other Hamans Director, Sala Al-Ba-Bradale, was killed by a separate officer's air strike on Sunday.

At least 30 people were killed in Khan YouUis and Rafah as Sunday morning, before the strike said in the evening.

Israel started his military campaign in Gaza on 18 March, ceiling the ceasing CSE's death that last two months. Hundreds of people were killed in strikes.

Israel likes to refuse us a new proposition to expand the horror. Hadder, accused Israel is Israel to give up the original contract in January.

The war was encouraged by Haman attack on 7 October 2023, which were in which about 1,200 people, a civil, were killed.

Israel answered the attack back 7 October in Gaza to destroy Hammas, who has killed more than 50,000 minutters.

(Tabstoranslate) Khan YUNIS (T) Hamans (T) Hama (T) MinISTLE Air (T)

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