A sizeable earthquake has been recorded from the Aphulia coastline in the South on Friday, according to National Institute Gearysics and volcanopols (inv).
It was felt in buildings in townships and Foggia, as well as in nearby areas.
A number of Aftershocan was made of size up to 3.8.
Barbara Valendao, Ataulia News Group, the routine reported on its circumstances and that it had not been monitored about critical events.
Fireers and other authorities said that there were no significant account or damage immediately.
Southern Italy has been beat with a number of recent links.
Two mates Wednesday, the Collection of Phlegrarns struck 4.4 Summit the size of plegrams near the high city. Other earthquake, measuring 3.5 on the level 3.5 on the rate of novel, hit the Friday afternoon.
The fields of the region's planes of a high volcanic activity activity are high.
(TatanetntraTAnAware) Land (T) Souckehene ENQV (T) Flegrei (T) Camp Flegrei (T) Umbples
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