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Michael Sayor Strategy receives 130 Bitcoin at the average price of $ 82,981


  • The Bitcoin Strategy was awarded a questionful price of $ 82,981, increasing total tenancies to 499,226 BTC.
  • The purchase was funded by selling the rows of the series, generating $ 10.7 million in network money.

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A strategic strategy of information operator, previously received 130 Bitcoin for around $ 82,981 per coins between 10 March and 16 March.

According to the latest strategy Publish With the SEC, the purchase was funded by progressing from 123,000 sections of the strike number of strips (3.7 million. The company confirmed that common stock was not sold at the same time.

Total entire entrance bitcoin is now standing at 499,226 BTC, valued at over $ 41.6 billion. Co-Strategy Strategy said the full strategy strategy has been purchased at average price of $ 66,360 per btc, including taxes and costs. The task currently holds more than 2% of 21 million Bitcoin Supply.

Company section had settled on Friday 13% at around $ 297, it received more than 77% over the past year, by the Yahoo Finance Data. The stock commercially exports slightly lower in a premium trade today.

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