
Miles presenting for more invest in the German business

Thousands of business staff shown in a number of German cities on Saturday, in the country's activity organized by Metall Ign Metall.

They were calling steps to strengthen and make business against a worse position in the area and become concerned about the workforce of work amongst the staff.

The Union wants more investment from politicians and computers and futures support and future to future.

“Às aonais gnìomhachas, tha a 'Ghearmailt na dùthaich bhochd, agus cha leig sinn leis sin tachairt,” thuirt IG Metall Christiane Benner ann an aithris.

The Union wants more from employers to discuss the cleaning climate of cuts, posts and lack of investment.

“We can shape the future, we can create new technologies, we can create a green industry. And now we want to do!” said the doller.

It was welcome that it was a new German government that he had been realizing, and looked at the Innovation and Nursing Innovation, she said. “But a special asset is not yet established, there's nothing bright yet.”

All of the political armies need to be taken to ensure that the project would not be in the middle, she said.

Actions with concerts, concerts and popular artists had extensions to promoting presence.

The events took place in Hanover, StepTgne, Colonogne, Frankfurt and Leipzig. Metall ID said that the maximum of public act with the union in decades.

The Union states that more than 77,000 people took part in the crowd under the crowd of the people “our business country. The future of our business.” The numbers could not be confirmed.

The country's economy has again been asking it again from the Pandemic and the effects of the Russia World War in the User, with the country suffering from two ongoing. The decline affects industry.

(Raft of Christian Democratic Union (T) Ill Metall Social Party

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