Zelenskyy's Zelenskyy arrived on Saturday ahead of Summit organized by The British prince Kir Starmer.
The collection also includes leaders from France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Caravel, Community Characters and Consultation Declaration. It will be held on Sundays.
The TAKE AWARDS AWARDING In the final minutes of the great meeting between Trump Between Trump between Trump Between Trump, the United States of the United States were hoped to help the United States.
Bha an Ceann-suidhe Trump a 'bagairt Zelenskyy aig a' choinneimh gus cùmhnant a dhèanamh ris an Ruis no “Tha sinn a-muigh,” agus gu robh Vanced a 'gearan gu bheil e eas-urramach ann. “Zelenskyy is even even along the entire exchange, even as Mr Trump and picked up their voices.
Comhairliche tèarainteachd nàiseanta Dh 'fhaighnich Mike Waltz agus Rùnaire Stàite Comharran Stàite Comharran Stàite Zelenskyyy agus Ucràinis an Taigh Geal fhàgail. The Caitian shines the expectation to sign economically between US and the irritation. In the “Fox news interview, Walzz refused the recommendations from Trumptor criticisticians who are President and Vance Vencing President JD Vince ” He has not said the Urrain Memorandum “and said the memorandum of Urrain” The new sheriff is in the city. ”
European Officers Sheed around Silly zelenskyy from the average meeting.
Prime Minister Primeian Pilot Pilot is saying “The European Experiences” and has to take care of him: “Anybody else will do it.”
A Saturday Europeans must increase its weapons to artistic and European countries to increase their arms to come to “3% of GDP.
“If we do not enlarge our attempt enough and allow the aggressiveness, we will not come well,” he said.
Slopian Privian Sloire Crippiness doesn't call his country into his country giving any military or financial support as he would fight to fight Russia. FICH also wants the EU Emergency Summit in Diarmades will approve that the President of Zelenskyy and a majority of the EU state refuses to do. “FCO said his country too wants to ask the úrrrain requested Repet the Russian Gas Mount to Europe.
He warned the convention for grazing applications, “The European council may not agree about its position on Saturday.”
Poland is President Andrzej Duda have called on Zelenskyy to return to a negotiation table to ensure that it is possible but to prevent Russian attacks. Duda is a strong supporter of úrrin and has a friendly connections with Trump.
“Vooldymymy Zelenskyr should be returned to this table, still a relaxed, in negotiating to resolve safe,” said Dida Reporting in Poland.
He said that it may not see the other United States who may stop to stop Russian attacks. Russia said Saturday to burn down three of the UCranney swing which focused into the Turksrea Gas Lupe, who carries the Russian gas line over the Black Sea and Europe.
The French minister of the Armed Admissions are still in armige as European Directors to make uncertainty to do so. SEBBRRIEn legngu said on the Social Network X sat after the French President Emmanuel MacCron said it was ready for Open conversations on a European Nuclear Breathe.
“Nuclear French is our nuclear stop, and restraint and stay with the design and result of our weapons and result in our weapons,” said Leconu. “” It protects the vital interests France, which is the only state leader depends on defining. “
The German Director of Frimich took the future Friends' frightened Merz that Britain and France could share their nuclear members in the future.
German Foreign Warrillem Berbuck said “Any new time of nefariousness was started to handle Trump's treatment at the White House, but did not vote to increase the growth of the country.
“Many of you will have enough sleep tonight to face the unstable videos from the white house. Therefore, he was not a bad ferry,” she said to Saturday. “We are larger in the past, but that is our commitment to our own security and peace in Europe.”
She reported the Ukrain as “part of the free and democratic Europe and said that there is no questions about who is the bravery in the war.
(Tabstoranslate) ukrine
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