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Once you're away 'astronauts are about the peace of splining. Captures up on the prayer so far

After a week long time to an international growth international station into an international growth international station, two asseeters are going home.

Tuesday, if everything is planted, cheaks flashes down the Florida coast and Suni Williams launched for the ground surface for the first time since it has been launched in June.

Naza's Live Cover of the till recovered back at 4:45 Brd ET.

The Chapsule is to start the Chapsulence – which is shooting her motormen to re-publish the Earth's feeling – at 5:11 PM, with SPlashdown Expective.

The same circumstances of astronauts are “structurally used in media reports, although the two respect for the plan and the two respectful respect.

Willdare, 62, and Williams, 59, returns to the ground with the Grass of Nongue and Roscosmos at the Spacex Space Station, who has been notified on Monday afternoon.

A white space capsule is shown against a black background. The logo is NSAA in the corner.
Capsule Chi Dragonx carrying Butch Wilmoria and Lii Williams on a central space station, and Roscosmos have to return a journey to the ground. (More than a leaflet with rters)

Hague and GorbonV had reached the Dragon Places in September, with two empty seat of the blank and Williams, but have reached that journey to fill in.

The new team of fortress of four astronauts, team-10, had reached last year's last week to manage.

Left after a test flight case

The Odyussey Center 'installation began at first June, when they entered into what they were expected to become a Boeing Star Common Cabs. This was the first flight of booing space space, and they had the right to spend a little over a week at the Oritting Lad before returning home June 14.

However, while Starliner made him safely on June 6, a severe disordinate of the high above it. This is, on top of a small lecture, picking up concerns it would not be safe for Willdore and Williams return on board.

Anns an Lùnastal, dh'ainmich NASA gun robh iad na cho-dhùnadh dha rionnag-laighe Beeing a thoirt gu buil – ged a tha e làn neo-eisimeileach nuair a bhios feum air – air ais don Talamh às aonais a sgioba.

Since then, Willdore and Williams have been turning across the ground as full, getting in contrast in Facraton, explore and the work of the space station. Williams were also leader of the hours of the Ordqueting ballot from September.

Watch | The journey back for two aspects of the complicated NAA complex last summer:

How did NDS mission arrive into 8 days to 8 months? | About that

Naz says he is shaving Barry Wilmoria and SnIT Wilson Williams back to 2025 after a number of cases on the Caplale Starlann Booing Cases. Andrew Chag explains why he is getting home to be increasing complex.

They admitted In September He was hard to look at the space place returning home without them.

“That's how it goes on to work in this business,” said Williams at the time, putting it “putting it” you must turn the page and look at the next opportunity. “

Starliner was brought back without its key suspicions for Boeing, who have been hoped to join the named of the name of Asa's named taxi. Its engineers are still studying the thruster ball.

Both Williams and Wilmore began in the US Navy, and elected as ama-earth in 1998 and 2000 respectively. By the time they step on the Startliner board in June, they both knew a demonstrate space minor mines.

As this's most recent mission draws closely on Tuesday, WilMORE will completely a total of 404 days in his place over a astronaut in US astrona, after Peggy's 675 days. OLEGOBOANOOBAOOOW Koonenko's Ologtoko is holding a World Schedule, with more than 1,100 days in space.

Return a long way

Comes home after months of feasting months spent living in space, which is a Prynynski company, who is now a aircraft and asoospace company.

“He feels like they are 100 years old,” he said he told the CBC news network. “They carry a gravity weight as well as their place on the back for the first time (in months).”

Astromners use job equipment on what makes the people living in shape and prevent some, Parzynski.

Three people are shown at a space station, lined up and looking to the camera. There is a line of small blans attached to the wall behind.
Bung Wildemore, Nick Hague and Lii Williams talks from the International Space Station during the Tuesday Space Station during Tuesday Conference, March 4, 20th March, 2025. (NaSa during the associated press)

However, the wait is a nine months later than the usual circumstances, it is far from the longest career in space, so special care for Williams and Wild Kilmore.

“There is a fair enough for this,” Parzynski. “American astronaut, Frank Rubio, made his wife's wife on board the scales – now keep the US harp.”

Cosmonout Cosmock Shiyalev has been taken to the space station when the Soviet Union has been sent back in space, twice the original kingdom.

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