
Peru appear without the middle of violence in the middle of the army in the capital in the capital

Lima, Peru (AP) – President Peru shared the state of an emergency in the capital city and ordered the use of troops to talk to speaking to talk to Evening violenceA wide rescue rescue every day after the killing of a popular singer.

President Daan Boomente says that the state of an emergency is last 30 days, and authorities take a collecting freedom and transfer. This means that the police and the army would be able to encourage people without a critical order.

Peru has raised tenants, extending violence and attacks on public places in the past few months. The police reported 459 muillings from January 1 to March 16, and 1,909 is reporting in fact in January. But cry after killing Sunday Pool, lead singer 39-year singer of the Armonia armonia band Cumbia 10.

In transport, solicitors lawyers requested a voyage against JUN Joséaiñag is a plan of a plan. It is expected that the vote will be discussed in a full-transfer language later in the week.

FLERES was burned to death in Sundays when attackers attacked the bus himself and a bandmates traveled after a concert. Cumbia is a Latin style which dance to the rise of the drums, and other instruments.

The attack against the popular singer was not the most violent event over the weekend. On Saturday, a blame item blame at a restaurant in the capital, hurts at least 11 people.

Boluatde Government completes a state of emergency in an effort to make the violence between September and December.

(Tabstoranslate) Singer Singer (T) Lima (T) Peru Flore (T) SEA Bunde

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