Rebels said Rwanda that the largest city in Congo MyRO said that the President of Congo MyRO in the President of Review to be responsible for ensuring the re-appointment calls.
In a video message, the Minister of Songo Muidmvita for any accounts with the rebels to “be burned immediately.”
“We will stay here in Congo and fighting. If we don't live on here,” Madiumamvita said of Congo President of Congo President.
Depending on the message they were trying to prove their control on the city of GMA and M23 Areas open to the Africa Regional Institution in Sparish RWD.
Their purpose is, however, to get political powers, a bone noneaa, one of the political instructors M23, during the meeting.
“We want to go to kinintinshasa, make power and manage the country,” said Nagaa. It indicated how the rebels intended to promote the capital, over 1,500 kilometers away.
The RWanda Director, Paul Kagry, said he would consider his Chief Executive of African work to use the African countries to use the African countries.
Congo's President COOO POWER 'ANSWER, coordinated'
A U spokesman said that the organization reports that the corruption of RWandan is on the border of the border of the border of the bordering the border of the corrupt guidance. they are following the rebels.
There are around 4,000 cubs in Rebels M23 from Rwanda, according to ES, far more than 2012, when it was eventually caught. They are one of over 100 Armed groups springing in the Ellen Mines – Rich Congo, which have large deposits to get $ 24 trillions of the world's technical technology .
Congonel Tshisked Tshiskedi, like young people to listen in the army, how a significant meeting of the Conbulese Government talk to the Reimlese Government. The Rwanda's Head of the Rwanda also threatens “to conduct a discussion with South Africa, which has complained to the South African cellar dead congo.
In its first public comments from the rebels M23 into Monday, Tshiskedi Voting “from his forces to put back the eleven.
On Thursday, he met the foreign minister of French minister in Kinshasa, notification that he was inspired by France to support meetings.
“(Congo) It is expected to write more action on the front of this crisis,” he said.
Dead groups, looting in a godma
Gomma was living mainly without electricity and water on Thursday, as the bodies of managing government soldiers were on the streets government.
Rebels M23 Seller of about 2,000 Executive by Government and police officers – which they did not have done to comply with nor playing a place, some of them singing Antissleked Songs.
Bruno Lemaiquis, the UK co-ordinator said to the large parliaments of paralyze, central humanity of people who are varying for more than six million people.
“After several days of intensely-intensive classrooms, the city is now (face) with intense human needs,” Lemquis problems, “said Lemquis.
Photos from the Gommous of Residents showed food objects and goods lity from sources and goods in the town.
“This is something that's going to make a serious violence of dangerous violence as the emergency times for the World Site Coordinator in DA, Thursday.
After he could capture a lot of famine, the rebels would give them to the south Kivu regional capital, who cause fears, wickers, wicks, wickers said.
Which M23 and what do they want?
The Duke of Sutherland contains roots in racial conflicts, extending to the main 1994 in RWanda, when 800,000 tharths and others were killed by the Militia. M23 says he is protecting a thick ethnic in Congo.
Rwanda is said that the turtes are laugh with hutus and others who are involved in the Glavide. Many Hutus fled into Congo after 1994.
Unlikely in 2012 when the rebels caught congo for days, speaks could be removed now. Chaidh na reubaltaich a chuir a-mach le Rwanda, a tha a 'faireachdainn gu bheil a bhith a' seachnadh ùidhean san roinn agus cha do choinnich e ri iarrtasan de aontaidhean sìthe roimhe, a rèir iarrtasan Afraga, Afraga aig buidheann èiginn, tanca- thought.
“In the end, this is a failed to failed the African mediation, (because the warning signs were always accepting Bellion's,” Underigaishad.