Winboe, NUPIA (AP) – Sam Nuso National Infrica in Outfitting Africa after State Heads of State Directions and Honor leaders.
All corners started to settle as early as their last 6 in their last 6 in their last 6 in their last 6,9-built father who served three terms from 1990 to 2005.
Nujomom died on February 8th at the age of 95 after the age of three weeks to be issued by three weeks to be issued by three weeks of the windstow hospital.
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A widow nuomama, NJopaldine teopaldine, grandchildren and grandchildren.
“It was a colp of strengths and spring of wisdom in the family. While we could not understand in our entrance and independence of nuomma.
“Despite our hearts are included with sadness, therefore marking a long life and will continue to our belfare,” Uhoon said.
Nabiia was watching on a 21-day stages, with flags at the half staff. The NUIOs' body was honored by farewell to the existing township with his honor to give them a honor.
Nujomam was the last of African leaders who had presented Meller's rule out of the out of the out of Nelson Mandalan, Zimbabbeia Myyaunre and Zambia?
The bidlove was his ladder, the bardy of a labby by the title 'set up by the title' set up by his son-head-president and the marsoleum 'rent at the ACreen ACRe.
The ACRe hero was built as a final rest place for the meaning of the meaningful grants to the country today.
President Nagaba Nagabba gave an account of Nujoma as a wonderful person. Mbumba said Nujomama did a man guided by purpose and delay.
“Who else may arise from irritating houses to manage a nation? Only irritating a dusty blend of the United Nations,” said MBUMBA
At present and who lived the African-states of African, Zimbic, Jimbic Phiracle, Samuel Matthew, Zimuaa, Jimuba Phiracle.
They introduced nujoma like african image, and a guiding principles to protect afronic side of colonies.
After almost 30 years old, Nuiboma returned to Nanibia to send the Swapa Free Travel Swapa in November 1989.
During his life, NUIJMA received respect and rewards for its individuals, a whole confidence and enthusiasm toward the creation of a vague in Namibia.
Three sisters survive from three sisters, women, two sons, 24 grandchildren and 11 grandchildren.
(Trobraranslate) Sam NuJoma
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