Today, President Dòmhnall Trump Domnaisted Operational Order (EO) to Bitcoin and crystals “by the title of American Guidelines. Midfield Bank, explaining CBDC as “type of cash, in a national account unit, that is a direct influence in a central bank. “
“Except to the extent that necessary by the prohibited law to establish CBDCS within the United States or abroad,” the order mentioned. “Except for the level required by law, any continuous plans or any additional actions to be taken to be taken to be taken to be taken to to develop or implement or initiatives. “
The new earth will set up the President Working Group to create a World Management Framework (including reputation), and evaluating the formation of a mobile national digital digital program.
“Consideration of the Working Project on the structures of the market structures, have been observing, customer protection, and risk management,” said the Order. “The Working Group will assess that it may be possible to establish its own and to establish its own payvers, which is of paywards come from Cryptocracrenciies with the federal government in legal efforts. “
The EO explains the term “Digital Fund” as a digital digital production on existing values - which include Cryptoaceairs such as Bitcoin, and stable marks.
The stock hopes to include or be full in Bitcoin. Last summer at the Bitcoin conference 2024 in NHSHville, Donald Trump would already commit using Bitcoin and lots of lots. According to a arkham expertise DataThe US Currently holds 12,109 bitcoin worth more than $ 20.1 billion.
Breaking: 🇺🇸 Dòmhnri Trump promise not to sell #Bitcoin And keep it as a strategic reserved assets if President is selected
– Bitcoin's Magazine (@bitcoinmarazine) 27 July, 2024
After the Trump's speech at the conference, oldlytorm synthmy produces strategic Bitcoin Residen, but in a different way. Her bill would buy 200,000 people to the US Government, for 5 years, until she bought 1,000,000 BTC. However, however, to begin through the livestock and Syvering before making her way to the President of the President of the Presiding Witting.
To date, the President Trump has the word holding the word accompanying Bitcoin related promises. Earlier this week, the President Trump paid forgiveness and a landlord on the Bitcoin Road, which promised CBDC Road, creating a workforce / advisory group, and advisory group.
Full details are available on the governing order here.