
Scientists at Antartarch Center being performed by attack that says

A group of scientists faced a result of working together for months at a remote environmental station after a charge member to attack.

Above 10 stays at South Africa running, which are about 170km (approximately 105km (approximately 105km) from the edge of the ice scarm out and is difficult to reach.

But a speaker in the south-South African Government was reported by the South African Government of unappropriate behavior from the camp.

In another message showing the BBC, Ministry Mind On Africa only he was dealing with “insurance velve”.

Usually the south Sunday occasion, which originally wanted to recite the story, a member of the team said to be wanted.

The Ministry also said that those in the team had been subject to “referralslet as well as Psychometric assessment with Psychometric Assessment”, certificate professionals “, certificate Professional assessments.

In a statement, the Ministry said: “Candidates do not discuss any negative results from all background assessments for the appointment.”

The department said he was not “or non-common” for changeing people when they arise in extremely remote areas even if you do not have any of any concerns.

He said the vessel for Antarctica on February 1 “, and the event initially told the ministry on 27 February.

The statement stated that the department was “implementing the response plan to be in order and rejudicate relationships at the basis”.

“This process has been ongoing at almost a day to ensure that those on the basis is experienced in the existing disciplinary relationships,” he said.

The Department said that a government handled the event for the event, and the prosecuted proposed is willingly in psychological assessment “.

The maker has also written a formal apology to the victim, he said.

The SNAAN IV is more than 4,000km from South Africa's contrary to mean scientists can be cut there for a lot of the year.

It was expected that Sanane Iv's team would be at Sanane Iv to December.

Map showing the search station near the coast of the Antarart, and the longest distance to main African, which is over 4,000km.


The South Africa's research sector has been taking place since 1959. The team to the basic of the sanda will be made up from the fundament of the SNAN iv.

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But on Sunday, Scarter eutes of the team one member of the crew had notified an e-mail warning of an e-mail and “an inceptional behavior”.

South Africa Government spokesman said to the BBC, the supervisor was damaged by a function for the crew for the crew of weather to be required to change a “.

There are events in Antarcctock, but not unique. In 2018 the Strusthausen's Research Station had statements in the Russian Research Station.

Pilation of psychologists indicate the influence of human behavior.

“One thing we knows from that rare events, when something bad occurs in the workplace, and as a registered member of the British Psychology Association.

“So things are about a hierarchy, deportation, even small things about leisure time or allowances or food allowances grow quickly than,” he said to the BBC.

Gfrielle Walker, scientist and an author who received expedies Antarctica, by working as a small group of colleagues.

“You certainly know how to put the cup of coffee and which instructions they entered the nose three times before they set.

“And in the bad situation, it can begin to be starting the humbling … for nothing else – there is no other promotion and you are with people 24/7,” she said.

Sources within the Community Family Community has been described in the capacity of ice house and if needed.

Any rescue job needed to decide by the hard climate, with a great deal of more lower-free-fish and capacity.

Additional statement by Edaldhoon and meho Che.

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(Takestoranslate) Antarty's research station

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