- Paulv was allowed to leave France to leave France adjusted.
- The Durov collaborated with authorities, providing more than 10,000 users.
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DOUVC JOURC, established a stage telegram, France served for Dubai for a number of weeks, After modifications on his legal guidance terms, with parisien report Saturday, raiding stores from AFP.
Source with knowledge of the issue he has been shown from Bourget Airport close to the end of the Burget near Authority.
Pavel Diversity Durov, the Franco-Ranger's founder to establish telegram, arrested at a pate of airport with Bourget on August placed under a formal examination. Was released on a group of € 5 million but stayed Debel from leaving France while the inspection was led.
French authorities have made a prize on Durov with several criminal offenders lit from telegram practice, including Enabling The Cultam's spread, enables drug trafficking, arranged fraud, and other illegal actions. Telegram is charged not to undertake an exclusion with law-rape by providing information requested.
The Calling of Telegram appear in Paris Court for the first hour in December. According to earlier Report From AFP, in its first meaningful questionnaire, Deriv moved that he responded to all the official official demand.
It was confirmed that a telegram was not created to provide a criminal activity, confirming that such action represents a minimum of his Customer Center.
Information was also co-operated with Durov, to note that it would include the office of the President, the President of the President of President.
Recently a recent work, Telegram reports to reply four legal requests in France in the first quarter of 2024, providing “Includes information on more than 10,000 users,” according to the Durov. The judge surveyed a saying this idea of this idea against telegram 950 million users.
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