Korea Bank (BK) has stopped Participate establishing Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, Criking concerns about price concrete and dangers. Tha seo a 'tighinn a dh' aindeoin còmhraidhean cruinneil mu bhith a 'cleachdadh Bitcoin mar phàirt de Theatar Malairt cèin a thaobh nan Stàitean Aonaichte airson press Idra a chruthachadh.
As 17 March, trading the Bitcoin around $ 83,500, after the roof of $ 10% from January. The bomb warned that the significant varidity provides significant threats to its resources.
This latest standing celebrates the first time the South Coire A central bank has deiled directly to the possibility of using Bitcoin as a reserved assets. It has resulted in the “Careful approach” to bitcoin.
Tha cur às do dhreuchd Bitcon ro-innleachdail a 'tighinn a-steach a bhith a' sìor fhàs air àite a dh 'fhaodadh a bhith aig Crypto ann an stòran air feadh na cruinne. Na bu thràithe sa Mhàrt, chuir an Ceann-suidhe aig Dòmhnall Dòmhnall Trump òrdugh gnìomh gus Tèarmann Bitcoin ro-innleachdail a stèidheachadh. These baby discussions are in South Balian and other Asian countries about continuing a suit.