South Korea Corta Set Up Strategic Bitcoin Reserve.jpg

South Korea Corta Set up strategic Bitcoin Reserve

Korea Bank (BK) has stopped Participate establishing Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, Criking concerns about price concrete and dangers. Tha seo a 'tighinn a dh' aindeoin còmhraidhean cruinneil mu bhith a 'cleachdadh Bitcoin mar phàirt de Theatar Malairt cèin a thaobh nan Stàitean Aonaichte airson press Idra a chruthachadh.

As 17 March, trading the Bitcoin around $ 83,500, after the roof of $ 10% from January. The bomb warned that the significant varidity provides significant threats to its resources.

This latest standing celebrates the first time the South Coire A central bank has deiled directly to the possibility of using Bitcoin as a reserved assets. It has resulted in the “Careful approach” to bitcoin.

Tha cur às do dhreuchd Bitcon ro-innleachdail a 'tighinn a-steach a bhith a' sìor fhàs air àite a dh 'fhaodadh a bhith aig Crypto ann an stòran air feadh na cruinne. Na bu thràithe sa Mhàrt, chuir an Ceann-suidhe aig Dòmhnall Dòmhnall Trump òrdugh gnìomh gus Tèarmann Bitcoin ro-innleachdail a stèidheachadh. These baby discussions are in South Balian and other Asian countries about continuing a suit.

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