Street Fine 6 Getting up a very high moment in the attention right now, since it was released Mai Sirararanu set as the latest ir character at the game. But one of the coldest audience for a larger faiths of the first decades of the teenagers who come from – come from – a rounded fury of Farry spear around the world.
This is that Mai Siraranu and Andy Boagard has been in a fun but vagueful relationship for a while. He would be inhabited by Mai L & T lover, but but Andrew was aimed at military art. Y'know, like a character in a fight game. In the King of the Adviser's Games, this relationship was made more clearly. However, it is on the Fashter Street, and eventually marrying, which is a beautiful hiring up to one of the longest romances.
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This showman is found in the Global Visit mode in the street, which can now speak to MAI and a lot more about Mi and what she has been with him. It's through the chairs who you see Mai and Andy to marry in common pieces of art with most uniform of streets Street and present. This is a type of the global journey about it in my book. Nice avenue to dig the characters into the characters they love, and for the development of cool stories to happen with that.
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Online followers It clearly this appears this that appearsAs I don't want to see one of their favorite characters connecting to the knot? It is large winning wins for Mai lovers, and ambitious w for Andy, and another cool time in the life of Rewter 6.