Nasa S Great Observatories Examine The Galactic Center Region.jpg

Telescope Spellex Spellex Spellx Spell Sweded on World Organizes

Tertshop the NSAP was launched to the place from California for its investigation of global sources and score the hidden source, a large ingredient for life.

A Megate-shaped SPHEX, short for SpeakRo-Kucrative Ketro-KECRO-KECRO-KECRO-KECRO-KECRO-KECRO-KECRESS.

In the executed two-year period the data scene will collect over 350 million Gaaiccies, as well as more than 100 million stars in the milk. It will create a three-dimensional map of the Cosmos in 102 colors – separate colors – and will study the history and evolution of Galaxies.

The intention Aims to an understanding of an accuracy of an interpretation of an explanation of a cosmic and exponential at one time in fraction after 13.8 billion years.

“Sperex is indeed to get in at the global, what happened in the first of these first properties after the bang, a scientist Phil khil kornte from caltech.

“The theory is reorganization that describes this. As it suggests the Celtic size out expanded in the size of antam,” Truth's size

Shawn Poldman-Goldman, Antrophysic Division Relevant Direction Manager said at the high office of the second man – the second one after the large areas of the large areas that go to see. “

Spelix takes pictures in all directions around the earth, split the light from bumbles of stars of cosmic and galaxies into their situation and speed.

Inside our galaxy, SPHERX finds free icy lakes on large gas and dust which gives several stars and planets.

It keeps for water and molecules including carbon dioxide and frozen monoxide carbon carbon carbon. Science experts believe that ice Lochan are connected to dust particles in these clouds where most water forms and people are.

It is launched with a satellix Speclet for Punch Nasa (Plar Fiphere) to get a better understood of the wind.

The winds of the race and other male sin events can cause torture at the viewing point with human education, including the Successful Employment and motivation tours.

The mission Punch is trying to respond how the transfer of sun-trends are created and structured structures affect ground and the rest of these ends system.

The mission includes four small sagles that observe the Sun and the environment.

“Together, they art together the global view of the sunbird – which is the stuff fill our solar system, Puncen Highend of Godded Punday.

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