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"The Bank of Japan officials see a number of reasons against interacting in the connection market"

Bank of Japan Ueada was on the wires yesterday ring into JGB product

Bloomberg was followed by a piece say after that

  • Japan Officers Bank seeing a number of reasons against interactions even after a criterion of a survival product

Blodomberg is sharpened, especially:

  • Officers are determined not to be steming into the market if exceptionaclers affect traders affecting market work
  • Investors get used to a world without giving out the curved thought in the middle after the program ended last year

Bloemberg The fault 'people' people.

I think that the views expressed by officers who have been introduced in response to what we have been thinking of Ugea's ideas. The boj will be there if necessary, but a limit had to go down to step in.

This article was written by Sheridhan Seaman at www.forelive.com. (Tronttoranslate)) a Japan Raptor Bank

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