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The Knenesy's Turnesy Turps of 1st after Introducing himself as Chairman

The President of Donald Trump visited Monday, 'Century for the performing arts, where he took a trip and was Chairman of his Board Board meeting.

This was the first time at the Pavilion Art Institute from starting to see him at the beginning of his second term.

Trump shot the previous board, writing on social media they do not share our vision in art and culture. ” Chuir e luchd-dìlsich, a 'toirt a-steach Ceannard Geala House Susiet Susie Hant Mator Susie agus Usha Vance, bean Iar-Cheann-suidhe, agus stàlaich ee fhèin mar chathraiche.

The relationships of the Republicans have accepted complaints that the center was Kennedy, who is well known for its program of famous artists and awoke with the programming.

Talking with the reporters on Monday Board Meeting, Trump complained to “bad lighted,” the medium “represents a very important area of ​​DC and indeed our country.”

It also decided to have the recent extension of the building, which accepts studies, editing venues, editing venue and facilities, suggest that they were moving up the potential places.

Trump spoke to plans to develop a “a well-established institutions and the future art programs.

“We have very good exhibitions,” he said, putting, “what makes very high.”

A number of artists and representations, include smash broadway Hamiltonhave been issued from concerts at Clendeny Center as a complaint of the Trump Windowver.

“I've never been a big fan, she was never loved Hamilton Seriously, “Trump said in response.

Trump also complained about briefing costs for the Board meeting at the Board Meeting, but it would cost us $ 30,000. “

The banks of Potomaac Road was opened, located on the banks of the Potomaac River, in 1971 and is supported in a car meeting over the years.

However, Trump is on the relationship with him, going back to his first term as President. He jumped an annual honor per year.

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