
The Pope Francis was at risk of his life, 'saying the Docutor's treatment that is handling pontiff

Pope Francis came so close to death at one time in his 38-day fighting, such as his doctors in peace, the Head of Pope.

Following a breath of a breath of a breath of Francis when Francis was engaged in submitting, “the Sergio A Romelli Romea Rome's Hospital.

“Dh'fheumadh sinn taghadh nam stad sinn an sin agus leig sinn às e, no a dhol air adhart agus a phutadh leis a 'chunnart aige, dh' innis Alfla Della Sra ann an agallamh air Dimàirt Dimàirt.

“In the end, we took this path,” he said.

Francis returned, 88, to the catats on Sunday after the maximum health emergency of its 12-year packaging.

It was imported into the geelli hospital on a bon. January 14 for Bout of Broadchitis, and was forced as an Adult has been removed.

Pope's nurse believes

The Vatican gave some details in his everyday updates on the state of the Pope when we stayed in to fertilize the agricultural bears.

He was told that two of the craying was in the danger of his life. ” Anns an agallamh ùr, thuirt an dotair gur ea 'ghnìomhaiche pearsanta am Pàpe a bh' ann, às deidh a 'chiad phrògram, stiùireadh a thoirt don sgioba meidigeach cumail a' dol le làimhseachadh.

“Try everything; don't give up,” The message from Mimimiliano Strappetti, the Pope's Nurse was said to have been reported by Alfii.

“The edge of the days, we were destroyed damage to his kidies, but we went on, and her body went on, and her said her body went on, and” Allfiger said.

A photograph shows a crowd crowd with users of a crowd with a window of building, which seem one's way of doing them.
The population gathered geelllei rome hospital on Sunday so that POpe Francis, soon before it was distributed. (Vinchenzo livier / revivar)

Francis has been restored two months of resting over a hospital to full recovery. It was not made clear how it would see it publicly visible in a weeks.

Reporting the Pope's first public vision since the potential entered into a hospital, when Francis appeared in Sundays, Alf II's treatment of the Pope that hit the Pope.

“I saw the room on the 10th floor of the Gemelli decorated in white,” the doctor said. “The feeling was to see the man again the Pope.”

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