The UN body has received a formal request from Washington to withdraw next year as Trump orders to stop funding.
The United States has officially withdrawn from World Health Organization (who) In January 2026 after the UN sent a formal letter from our US President Donald Trump this week.
Un Deputy Spokesperson Famkersperson said on Thursday Fam Hanq now withdrawn on Monday – his first day in office – removing funding for the organization in the future.
“I can confirm that we have now received the US letter of extraction. It is dated January 22, 2025. It would take effect one year from January 22, 2026,” HAQ said.
Trump will also order the Secretary of State for State Signals and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to “support the movement or resources of the Who”.
Washington has recalled the US government employees who helped the Who and ordered them to participate in negotiations on a global treaty led by the world on dealing with pandemics.
When we left the US, which will lose the most important financial banker.
The US contributes about 18 percent of the organization's funding, which amounted to about $261 million between 2024 and 2025. That contribution is followed in second place at $181 million. Those who lose their donors will affect the ability of the World Health Organization to respond to global crises from E-Work to HIV / AIDS and Global PANDEMICES.
Trump has been correcting a person who says there is a Covid-19 pandemic during his first term in office and has sent a request to withdraw from the group In July 2020.
The withdrawal case was suspended when Trump lost the presidential election to Joe Biden, who issued the order in the office immediately.
Many health experts have accused the administration of botching the US response to the covid-19 pandemic, which claimed the lives of thousands of people every month.
On Tuesday, the person who issued a statement saying regret that the work was announced in protecting the health and security of the people of the world, including Americans among them.
“We hope that the United States will support and we look forward to maintaining a constructive dialogue between the US and benefiting millions of people around the world,” he said.
The US joined the US in 1948 through joint resolutions, according to a Distinguished Union, according to Jean Galbith, a professor at the University of Law University.
Trump's Republican Party controls both the Senate and the US House of Representatives, but said he is withdrawing in court, legal experts said. “Trump made a unilateral decision to pull out of it. But we went into it in 1948 by an Act of Congress. Trump's Congressional Clerk approved,” Lawrence Gestin, Director of the National Institutes of Health and Global at the Gandstown Lecture, on social media.
“His decision is too catastrophic to do without Congress and the courts. As Director A Who has, I am considering a lawsuit,” said Gostin.
Trump made a unilateral decision to withdraw from it. But we entered it in 1948 with the Act of Congress. Trump needs the president to go back. His decision is too disastrous to make without Congress and the courts. As Director of A Who Who HAL, I am considering a lawsuit.
— Lawrence Gestin (@LAWNWNSGOSTIN) January 21, 2025
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