The main service of the first of his own higher officials said 21 would be one of his own higher officers, properly to work “The Rat” officers to Russia. The Silver Security Service (SBO) announced 14 events of illegal activity 'rat', “the man on the head of his head.
Vasl Malluk, the head of the SBL, led the inspection and did the arrest, according to A report Bhon Bhuidheann, a thuirt a 'Cheann-suidhe Volothymyr Zelenskyyy air an ùrachadh “iom-fhill” agus “ioma-cheum” agus “ioma-cheum” agus “ioma-cheum” agus “ioma-cheum”.
“Using encrypted book marks, we transferred the connector of the connector, we have entered the latertes.” In this process, “Malk” detailed gathering and dissemination relevant information by the enemy's brow. “
In a picture that was published by the statement, the mulyuk can be held by the touching spy – by scrubff.
Leaflet / sbu
In a link VideoMayk said the man had worked with the SBHO from 2016, and that he had suspiciously suspicious.
The SBB also said he used the man to take a meal back to Russia.
The Ukrinis authorities have told the queen and decterfit hundreds of four others, including some of high-quality, accuracy officials, working with Russia.
“Self-crying is following,” said Macyk. “No matter how the enemy tries on our standards – he thinks all types of sympathy is to do in a good time.”
They came into custody with the prosecution of the President Trump to stop scrapping between Ukraine and Russia.
Earlier Wednesday, the Kremlin Rejected the idea of the idea of residence with úcraain as part of any peace contract. The rejection came after a time after the president Zelenskyy was defeated by the Kursk area for parts of the Russian Russia.
“This is impossible. Russia never will be able to speak the exchange area, soon after Russia a deadly drone.
Yan Dobronov / Global Global Pictures
Zelenskyyy is expected to meet Vice President Friday at the Munich Security Conference, which is subject to tens of thousands of people in Ukraine. German officials have been performing down any large massive mails in the roof.
Keith Kellog, the President Trump Trump is your next week, just days before the 15-year-old attack from Russia invasion of three-year attack.
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