Tha aon bhall seirbheis de stàitean Aonaichte agus triùir chunntasan dìon marbh às deidh dha itealan beag a thogail anns na Philippines Diardaoin, thuirt oifigearan.
The aircraft was “providing information, and inspection assistance” and review assistance “in a request of relatives in the Philippines, public affairs India-Pacific Command. Supporting US-Philippine Security Operational Action was “said the command. The Service Member and Protect the only men on board the aircraft.
The plane went into a rice range near Ammatuan, a small village in the south of the island of MG Dum.
Sam Mala / AP
The purpose of the accident is being under study, the command stated.
Beyond, the ongoing disaster, the media she received reports from the aircraft so much of the browser of farm houses.
Four bodies have been recovered from the site. Nobody on the land had not been injured, but the water buffalo was killed in the event.
Sam Mala / AP
The service ball and contractors did not yet have been identified, the command, waited, waited, a custom of the firing recovery.
US forces are used in the Philippine's weapons camp in the countryside to the south for decades to fights Muslim forces. The Muslims of the Muslims is a homeland in the Catholic country.
(Tabstoranslate) PhilippinesLan UNITED States
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