There is a decline as part of a lower field of 1.2570 / 12640 – UB Group

Fast fall in a sterling pound (GBP) they could extension on free dollar (USD); OversSold conditions suggest that any declining as part of a lower range is a lower range of 1.2570 / 1260/12640/12640. In the long run longer, strength gbp is a longer running Airson an ùine, tha e coltach gum bi ea 'malairt eadar 1.2520 agus 1.2670, Quedages Buidheann FVE UOB Quek Quek Ser Redng agus Peter Chia Chia.

The strength of the GBP is two weeks have expired

24-hour View: “Yesterday, we expect to trade GBPA to expand the Different and 1.2700 1.2640. In other words, GBP is unlikely below 1.2570. ”

1-3 weeks: “We reviewed positively on February 14, when GBP had been revolved below, and showed a gbp strength (27656. to an end. The Current Prices of Current Prices are similar to part of Security Trading Level. For the time, we expected to trade 6520 and 1.2670. “


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