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Thousands of Afgan who helped US military from reaching American soil

In August 2021, Satim Tambind torn to an international airport to work with America's arms. But in the Chosen

A drawing was taken to us, his wife and his newborn his brother behind.

“It was so hard, and we didn't want to lose our little son,” said Sanari.

He was not alone. Thousands of families eaten were eaten in the withdrawall withdraw

of US soldiers from Afghanistan. Babies were awarded

Across Trods of people and across fences, and fame to get through the gates to the airport.

Three years later, over 10,000 families are still being separated by Shaw Yandvanvac, which worked with families making a recessing families that make a recession of separated afield families.

“The moms or the rebuild or young children are involved without their family,” vanduver said. “Those people are at risk onwards. And the least we can do help to help restore.”

He says that the number of children separated from their parents involve 2,800 unconditional information – children he made scraping as their parents.

Vandriver works with the office of the decision for the Afgan transpares, called a state-section of a state established to help The relatives of the War Af-ASFAN

immigration to the US

Since 2021, the travel program has been traveling for nearly 200,000 albys albys alghanics.

This includes for those with exceptional in-migration towns Friendship during the war

Usually paid by the US government. It also includes the Afgagone Disruption that helped US Mission in military careers, as members of civil society, or those who are attending.

“The truth is, that's all people in a refugee pipeline and everyone in our name,” vindium.

“And the Afghands deserve all we can give them because they would protect us.”

After attempting that he did not bring his wife and his son right in charge of her sheriff, attached to care in 2023 to help the visa process. His wife, Sira, and the son were escaped to Pakistan after the golips to follow her work as a midwife and her husband was in the USA

On 188, the weekend went before the end of the Trump, SiBa and her son went to JFK airport in New York and then moved to emotional forecasts with its husband. Tamim is not seen his son, nearly 4 years old because it was a new person.

Satari is recycled with his son

Satrear's Tamimum is symbolized by his son at Newark International Airport in January after the separation of afghanistan in 2021.

CBS News

Sarlis family dingered at Sarlis at university-employed airport as an international airport was one of the last of the last afternoon re-meet.

Three days later, Mr Trump sent the Governance Order

Successfully stopping the US feedback program, saying that the potential in the United States has been submitted into the communities available to the safety spaces and security

The Federal judge order to stop the banner, since then there was no usual telegeration processing. In recent court files, solicitors for their administrative program of projects, as organizations cut dentists, decrease directions, reduce guarantees and freeze.

As well as the order of the government Trump Trump, SUPIS Secretary of Cornal Secretary, therefore, they are unable to pay for their own journey.

In line with Government documents with CBS, more than 40,000 Afagan is now approved in Limbo, with their danger.

“I heard a very horrible stories about torture torture and the unique murder of the United States, 'said Mr Michael from Texas, who voted for the care program.

“I urged to check and give this to the promise to (our fossil), but let them know that we are going to protect our promise.”

But Mr Trump and other public lawyers have revealed a distress which enables Afgasas into the USA make the country more vulnerable for terror.

McCaul and others claimed for the program stating that the study is already very effective.

“You want to explore them again? All forward. But they are already taken up, and perhaps the most interesting study in America's history,” McGculidh News.

The State Department, Rural Standard Security section and Session Departure Share. They go through a number of interviews and their biometrics are examined by government databases, as well as extensive medical screening.

“This country comes to this country through the Latial Important Care Act in our history,” said the State Department.

Satarents are still an optimistic that it will be one of the last few of which is directly with his family. It has colonted in New Jersey and is employed in mechanical work as it is studying for its buildings.

“I have a lot of hope in the future. I would like to have a good life,” said Sanari. “It's up to me to take care of my son, to sign in school and record lessons over there. I have a great hope.”

(Tabstoranslate) Afghanistan

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