Toronto women have been convicted of causing a dog to an attack and severely injured baby

A Toronto woman who was injured in a serious injurious injuries and accused them of guilty with criminal responsibilities, including criminal responsibility.

The court record shows the Parasija Ciamek on Toronto's square last Friday.

They were accused of infretion under the responsibility of the provincial dog ownership of the legal dog and Toronto's municipality code.

CyARC was attached to a year ago a year ago and after leaving a child in a Toronto Park, described the child as the change.

Dog, between this, Toronto became in animal services. The spokesman for the city confirmed the past August, while other dogs in Ciaorck were reinforced.

Court documents shown in a separate affairs and her friend told Toronto's complains in their dog's behavior, “Dangerous” from the city.

The documents ordered two American buyers to keep in the spot, but the command was ignored, and an Ontario Court considers the Sientark and the owner “.

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