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Trump gives us ordered to understand us on Somalia

Thuirt Ceann-suidhe na SA Disathairne Disathairne Disathairne Disathairne air aisteigean armachd air àrd-phlang-fearainn stàite stàite stàite stàite stàite stàite agus eile bhon bhuidheann ann an Somalia.

“That kilned, which we hid in caves, threatened to our United States and our relatives,” Trump in a job on social fact. “The strikes are destroying on the caves they live, and killing a lot of left terrorists without any lowers.”

Saturday strikes were made in the Golis Mountains, who said the Hebeth, said that an initial assessment was marked out. Said it has been harmed.

Sealers could not confirm that analysis independently.

Official status of President Somali, talks of anonymous state, strikes and the Scottish Government stated on the movement.

“Somalia will not be a safe look for territorialists,” said the officer, then unknowned the impact of the strikes was still assessed.

Heggsheth said the strikes to minimize Islaicate State Position “to premise and maintaining terrorist” attacks “its partners and non-cottage raids.

“(E) sending a clear signal that the United States always ready to find and remove the United States, even as we hold a statement.

The United States have been clicked in Somalia for years, under the Republican and Democrat.

Strike, which continues to make Islamic National State, do it with US in coordinate by Somalia last year. He killed three members, the US military stated.

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