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While Wild Wonmore, Suni Williams returns to the ground on Ship Spacex

Bucht Wilmor and Lii Williams, two Nasaan Assoraranuts on the space shilling station 17, 2025 in this image.

NAA | Through tunters

The largest two of the most aspects of the USA have been at the International Space Station for nine months after the fault Boeing Starlinar Capliner He returned Without them doing home.

The Nansa Wilmore and Suni Williams – are more than Amronaut At, last 19 o'clock in close closing them, according to that Table.

Wildmore and Williams left land in June on a test flight about nine days.

But were stayed after Tolls on a boareying star cupsa “Cypeving” Failed At the time of a touch, building concerns about the ability to behave home. NAS SA amounted the CAPSulence after being made suddenly for about three months, saying he wanted to “understand the roots of roots”.

NSA announced Nesa also announced to time of veterans and to return the naval test pilots Line of the Logo Zone of Platx Dragon instead. The organization changed from moving spells as a result of the week of space orders – mission returns to the earth this week – to make way for Willdmore and Williams.

Asratural CPPs are seen in the Crewx CPs carries the International Space Station, after the CAPSONUT Its away from the video.

NAA | Through tunters

The capsule that both people arrived at team – influence in September. Crews surrounding what gives out, which means that all astronauts work until the next is at the next.

NASA was originally planned 10 Spacex Team Mission – What did the team come before the team arrives back – to find it in February, but around a month was delayed.

The rocket carrying the four members of the new team launched on Friday afternoon, and the capsule docked At the space station approximately 29 hours later.

The StarlLetRe breeding trial was supposed to look at a final box for Beeing and delivering a key assets for NaSa. The group hoping to achieve his dream with two competitive companies – boeing and Elon mrykA feeling of feelings – flight other missions according to what is.

Caplle Chriext Dragonx Carrying Wild Wilmoria and Lii Williams, 25 logo starting to returns to this scene.

NAA | Through tunters

Instead, it is not clear what is the plans that build. The company is lost more than $ 2 billion on his stark parking.

The Wilmor and Williams trip was introduced in one-time politics Donald Trump Took office. Trump and Musk, which has become a close councilor to the President, persuade a faster team faster and I said unavised That the two spectacles “lost” on the space station and they had the administration of the behavior. NASA was delayed The team launch the team in December to process more time to process a new magic capsule, but decided to use a re-used capal to cut down on waiting time.

NSA's plans returns that both more feelings have been steadily from explaining them in August.

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In it, Wildemore and Williams later became part of usual circumstances, making scientifications and maintenance as it was inspired by the inspiration. Williams made a entertainowlk.

Williams has again said that the pair feels “abandoned”, but that she was looking forward to returning home to see his family and two dogs.

“It's been a roller choter for for them, perhaps a little more so than we did,” she said to reporters this month.

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