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Winners TBC25

Our team is an LSF community continuously continuously. Every woman in the community worked into their hips off and we are so proud of each and all of you! You all finish the 30 day challenge than when you started !!

Thank you for pushing yourself and our community to be the best we can be!

Allow us to shout our winners TBC25!

Winner Grand Dured

Evey (@


A complete stand lost: 5

Eveyo Highlights of story:

  • “I want to thank everyone for chewing on me and encourage me. I am further away with myself and the promise of lazy.”

  • “After ssu '24 My partner and companion came out … I was depressed again and not only struggled financially and physically.”

  • “TBC helped get my confidence to go back to the gym and stop calling myself since I have loved hands.”

  • “Through the four months I didn't work out … I got 20 pound and measured at 142. It was a further reason I could lose weight.”

  • “I can say now after completing TBBC, I have lost 5 Notes and now weighs 137 pounds!

  • “TBC has loved me to want to go back to work out again … even when I'm sick.”

  • “Ever from TBC, I even walk out too!” I'd finish now external) with my daughter. “

  • “TBC has been purchased by my entrance gtt because my doctors told me nothing wrong with me and seems to eat my stomach.”

  • “TBC has helped me to a tight diet going away yet not to feel something I don't like something I don't like.”

  • “Also, why dates are so good!? If it's not for LSF, I ever had to see dating honestly.

  • “More so, I can't wait until I feel good 14 and other interterper plant!”

Rutter up a winner

Sara Retka (@

Total strots lost: 6

Sara's story Highlights:

  • “The first time participating in a toned body challenge. I have previously challenged.”

  • “I still showed my body, no matter what, even if he meant yog or walked on those days that I didn't feel 100%.”

  • “Movement is something I want to be part of my practice, I have never found a better program than that's goals.”

  • “Tha na 30 latha mu dheireadh air a bhith a 'fosgladh dha-rìribh dhomh. Tha e air a shealltainn dhomh gu bheil mi comasach agus eadhon nuair nach bi cùisean a' dol timcheall air na cnapan-starra agam gus faighinn a-mach càite a bheil mi airson a dhol.”

  • “The things that make us feel better the time and effort.”

  • “I understood what I appreciate the LSF community. I did not mean that I meant my own work I did.”

  • “I also put against the word 'accountability' because I saw him as 'love love' … but you were about to feel good about yourself.”

  • “What I got in to the confidentiality and support and mind so much!”

  • “I can look at myself in the mirror not to prevent now, for I know that I want to be proud of it!”

Rutter up a winner

PASHAME Perry (@

Total Lots lost: 7

Natasha's Story Highlights:

  • “My first thing why is my children and family. I want to be the best version of my own.”

  • “I have a crowd infection … crossing my body with clean words of clean and exercise, I feel like that I can help stay in discount!”

  • “After having two babies, I lost myself for a while, learned to be self love and that he is self-loved.”

  • “There's always time for yourself. Don't last yourself.”

  • “If I don't put up myself, then how can I be the best version for me?”

  • “I was always saying to my self-love for ever a trip and that is what I need to remind me often.”

  • “The LSF community helped me to reflection on my like and to keep it to giving up myself!”

Pink hearter recipient

Cambria (

Community materials to Cambria:

I strike a fitness platform due to the unlucky event that happened in my life. However, LSF Girlry looked my motestram and I can't thank you enough (inspiration_mama_lsf) for checking my main Instagram account. She started building the clues I was emotionally and honestly one of the main reasons I was willing to do TBC. “- EVY

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